I am a spiritual being having a human experience. In my daily life, I am a father, grandfather, friend, author, and a lawyer who is seeking growth and evolution.

For years, I have been told that I have a gift of intuition that draws people to talk with me and share things about themselves they have never shared before.

About eight years ago, following a period of dealing with addictive behaviors and a divorce, a dramatic change in me began to unfold.   What seemed like a long period of dark days, resulted in a spiritual transformation and learned so much about the strength, growth, and resiliency of the human spirit.

In the process, I have studied human nature, self-acceptance, self-respect, and self-forgiveness.  My eyes have been opened to possibilities and a peace I never dreamed possible.

I have developed holistic strategies from what I have learned and studied to address the roots of feelings of not being good enough and always comparing myself with others, to my detriment.

As a result, I am living a life of peace, understanding and happiness I never thought possible. A genuine growth and fulfillment in life that is uplifting and brings peace.

Today, I help others find peace and growth by looking inward, showing that with the right mindset, a deep understanding of self leads to love and understanding the term “I am enough.”

I find that by mentoring others, I assist with finding themselves, finding peace, and getting to where they desire to be in life.  I want to help others get to the best part of themselves.  This is my dream and heart’s desire.